About NBS Ltd

Here at Nature Based Solutions Ltd we are advocates of engaging nature for resilient infrastructure. We deliver specialist comprehensive projects from investigation and initiation to final completion, always with nature’s systemic role guiding our path.  

Our coastal, rural and urban project delivery rely on a breadth of talent including scientists, consultants, engineers, project managers and experienced practitioners. We have even had our work included by the United Nations compendium of Nature-based Solutions (NbS).

For our clients our green engineering skills help provide an alternate low cost, low risk solution over some of the more conventional engineering approaches. By harnessing NbS in your project you can protect and enhance your assets and networks and enlarge the positive human-environment interface. Our work falls into three categories:

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Urban Green Infrastructure

Street tree planting with sustainable drainage, above ground planters and biophilic barriers for noise and air pollution mitigation.

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Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Landslip rehabilitation, watershed management and costal erosion control.

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Ecosystem Services

Survey and quantification of ecosystem benefits and dis-benefits.

What are Nature based Solutions?

As defined by the UNITED NATIONS Nature-based Solutions (Nbs) are a fundamental part of action for climate and biodiversity they can provide over one-third of the cost-effective climate mitigation needed between now and 2030 to stabilize warming to below 2 °C, achieving nature’s mitigation potential of 10-12 gigatons of CO2 per year3.

NbS also underpin the Sustainable Development Goals: they support vital ecosystem services, biodiversity, access to fresh water, improved livelihoods, healthy diets and food security from sustainable food systems.

Find out more here.


Contact us

Ken Scarlett
+64 21 811 753

Stacy Colyer
+64 96 233 514

Nature Based Solutions Ltd
145 Dominion Road
Auckland 1051
New Zealand